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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


omfg. I'm sure it helps that I'm really out of it and a lil loopy right now, but this is fantastic.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the metaverse is coming the metaverse is coming!

The article describes it as a "mental typewriter"..I think it's far more interesting in its potentials beyond typing and into interface. Play a game merely by thinking about where you're moving...metaverse, anyone?

In other news, I've gotten places on my capstone. \0/ Kinda. Only now there's this video project due on Friday...

In still other news, I found the spot on Fredonia's website with graduation info!!! (such as it is). For everyone's benefit, since we're all so fecking confused, the relevent info is this:

Cap & gown & etc: Pick up at bookstore anytime between now and Commencement. It's like $40 for the package of everything needed. Honors cords are free, Media Arts cords I think we get at the last VAP, if I remember right. Cap & gown is required. Gown must be black.

Tickets: okso.. The site says they "anticipate" everyone can get at least four tickets into Steele Hall (could we not find an uglier place for graduation?? sigh), and then two (first-come first-serve) into the ice rink where they're relaying it via video monitors. We can pick up tickets in room G-141-143 of the Williams Center, 12-3 on the 23rd, 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on the 24th and 25th; also from the Campus Life Office weekdays from Wednesday, April 26 until Friday, May 5.
This is very reassuring to me.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

america online no longer...

america online officially changes name to aol

that just strikes me as odd. granted, no-one's called it "america online" in ages, but.. hmm. also interesting was their reasoning why - admitedly, they're right, scary as it is, they were my first connection to the internet as well. (apart from grandpa's.. goodness I don't even know what it was, I think some version of telnet run through at&t, all I remember was being utterly confused that I couldn't find any games. *g*)


...and read the third comment on that article while you're at it. hmm.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

history of paper

...I realised the other day that I needed to look this up, so I'd know whether to make the paper the stories are written on lined or not or whatever. ^^; So many crazy little details going into this.

A few Google searches later, and it appears blue lined looseleaf has been around since before 1860. Which really surprised me, actually, I figured it only went back about a hundred years. The paper was heavier and more acidic though, when still made with wood pulp.. can't find an exact date on that, but acid-free paper is new enough to still be a selling point on things, I'm pretty sure our photo albums from the '80s weren't acid-free, so.. basically just up the disintegration rate on the older paper, and I think I've an idea of how the older lined paper would've looked.


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Name:Melissa Antes
Location:Fredonia, New York, United States
the metaverse is coming the metaverse is coming!
america online no longer...
history of paper
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the failure of the educational system
the world is ending
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